Women's Missionary Union creates an environment to hear and understand God’s call and receive nurturing in that call.
• WMU creates an awareness and sensitivity toward
people of other cultures and languages as people whom God loves.
• Churches with WMU are more likely to have a more actively involved laity in all areas of church missions and ministry.*
• WMU leads people to experience missions personally through ministry and witness.
• WMU develops leaders for missions efforts among all age groups.
• WMU begins at the birth of a child, teaching her or him about God’s great love for all people.
• The activities of those involved in WMU help a church fulfill its mission.
• WMU helps a church stay focused on the commission Jesus gave His followers.
• WMU creates a window to the world.
• WMU creates an awareness and sensitivity toward
people of other cultures and languages as people whom God loves.
• Churches with WMU are more likely to have a more actively involved laity in all areas of church missions and ministry.*
• WMU leads people to experience missions personally through ministry and witness.
• WMU develops leaders for missions efforts among all age groups.
• WMU begins at the birth of a child, teaching her or him about God’s great love for all people.
• The activities of those involved in WMU help a church fulfill its mission.
• WMU helps a church stay focused on the commission Jesus gave His followers.
• WMU creates a window to the world.

For more information about out Women's Missionary Union, contact our WMU director, Kathy Spurlock.